Wednesday, April 25, 2007

More reasons to work on campus

I agree with Jeff. You can't beat a job on campus for the sheer convenience factor, but what I really love about my job on campus is the way it has shaped my perception of the University of Manitoba.

Prior to working on campus my view of university life was pretty narrow. It was limited to the series of classes and activities I took part in. Other degree programs, student organizations and several thousand administrative and campus support workers only existed in the realm of abstraction. Working at the Learning Assistance Centre, I meet and deal with countless students from all over the world, and together we engage directly with their course work.

Ultimately, I love my job on campus because it allows me glimpses into spheres of learning that would otherwise not involve me. By employing my skills on campus, I get to lend my support to the processes of learning here at the UofM.


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